
When Do You Stop Swaddling A Baby? A Mother’s Guide

Babies can get grumpy pretty easily. And, this is where swaddling comes in. Swaddling is the process of gently wrapping a newborn in a soft, breathable towel to promote relaxation and sleep. But when do you stop swaddling a baby? Is there a right age or signs you need to look for? 

2 months is generally considered the right time to stop swaddling your baby. But. that age can vary from baby to baby. 

Well, there are some telltale signs that can indicate that it’s time to wean your baby out of swaddling. And here I’ve discussed them and more. So, be sure to keep on reading to learn more. 

When To Stop Swaddling A Baby: Everything You Need to Know

Swaddling a baby is when you wrap their little body in a blanket. This helps them sleep better and relax. A good mosquito repellent for babies can also help them sleep better. 

And not to mention it looks adorable. The most basic way of swaddling a baby is by wrapping them up in a blanket. 

This will also help dull the baby’s startle reflex and create a cozy environment for them to sleep in. It is completely safe to do and is recommended as well.

But as they grow older, you should stop swaddling them. Otherwise, they might face problems. When exactly to stop swaddling them is a topic of debate. In general, you should swaddle your baby when they become more active.

That means when they begin to roll over and move their arms and legs. When your baby is about 2 months old or so, you will see these movements come about. But this is not always the case. Some babies may start to roll over when they are 3 or even 4 months old. 

It is difficult to give you a specific age. That is why it is better to know the signs of when to stop swaddling—which is when they can roll over and move their arms and legs.

Signs To Look Out For To Know When It Is Time to Stop Swaddling

There are some fairly simple signs you should watch out for, aside from age and the habits of rolling over. These will make it easier for you to decide when to stop swaddling.

Signs To Look Out For To Know When It Is Time to Stop Swaddling

You don’t need to be an expert to recognize these signs as they are not particularly difficult to spot. All of them are pretty obvious.

Fighting The Swaddle

There is not a clearer sign to stop swaddling than them rejecting it. When babies are young, they might sleep soundly and will not make a fuss when you swaddle them. You will notice that they are less eager to be swaddled as they become older and are ready to sleep freely.

Startle Reflex Goes Away

One of the reasons babies need to be swaddled is to help them deal with their startle reflexes. This reflex will naturally start to go away. Then there is no need to swaddle them anymore. 

Breaking Out Of The Swaddle

This is another telltale sign that they are too old for swaddling. When babies start to break out of their swaddles or make a mess, stop swaddling them.

Waking Up Frequently

You might also see that your kid starts to wake up more frequently at night. This might be because they are no longer comfortable being swaddled when they are sleeping. If your baby is waking up all fussy, then you should stop swaddling. By the way, you can also help your baby sleep better by creating a schedule.

Risks Of Swaddling A Baby When They Do Not Need It

As your baby grows older, they will develop natural habits. They will roll over and also try to move about. 

Having them swaddled at that point can be potentially dangerous. When the baby rolls around in the towel, it can create a strangulation hazard. Or it might cause suffocation. Both are things you do not want at all, of course.

Not only that, but keeping them wrapped up during this age will also limit them from acting their age. They will start to practice common mobility and motor skills. You shouldn’t restrict these behaviors either. 

There are other risks involved as well. Here are few worth mentioning:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Flushed cheeks
  • Sweating
  • Heat rashes and 
  • Damp hair

These are the exact reasons why swaddling is against the policy of many child care centers. So, you can tell how serious this issue is. So, it is a parental responsibility for you to avoid swadling or stop it as soon as possible to protect your child. 

How To Transition Your Baby Out Of Swaddling

When you realize that you should stop swaddling your baby, you might find that they do not fall asleep easily. This might be because they got used to sleeping swaddled. And making a sudden change can throw that off.

How To Transition Your Baby Out Of Swaddling

You might see that they cry and generally show signs of being upset. In this case, you need to slowly transition your baby away from swaddling. And this is not that hard if you know how. 

Step 1: Swaddle Your Baby With One Arm Out

It is best to start small. Initially, you can start with just one arm out of the swaddle. This will not throw things off too much for your baby. You will still have them swaddled, but by keeping one arm outside, you are getting them used to the slight change.

Step 2: Two Arms Out Of The Swaddle

When you start keeping one arm out of the swaddle, it is time to move on to the next step. After a couple of nights, try keeping both of their arms out of the swaddle. Do this when you think they have gotten used to having one arm out of the swaddle though.

Step 3: Get Rid Of The Swaddle

Now for the final step. Once you think they are ready for it, you can just forego the swaddle altogether. See how it goes. They should be alright with the adjustment since it was a slow and gradual process.

Before you try these steps though, it is worth trying to go cold turkey. Some babies sleep just fine if you suddenly stop swaddling them completely. If that is the case, you do not even have to go through the steps above.

Keep in mind  that when you are keeping your baby’s arms out, you still need to wrap them snugly. You can also read the best pregnancy books if you are a first-time parent as they are filled with super helpful information. 

Bonus: Try A Sleep Suit

Sleep suits are a much better alternative to swaddlers. They are essentially the same in functionality with the extra benefit of reduced constraint on the baby.. And these can really relax them during naptime as well. Just be sure to get a good quality sleep suit that is allergen free and safe for your baby. 

Wrapping Up

Swaddling your baby when they are too old for it can be dangerous. It can cause all sorts of minor to serious harms to your child. Hopefully, now you know when do you stop swaddling a baby. Keep in mind that there are some pretty clear signs you can look for.