
Is Wasabi Safe During Pregnancy? Expert Advice

It is normal to have cravings during pregnancy. So, the cravings for wasabi may be intense in some cases, but the safety of the mother and child is the priority. Pregnant women who love sushi or other food with wasabi might sometimes ask- is wasabi safe during pregnancy

It is safe to have wasabi during pregnancy as it contains nothing harmful that could hurt the baby or the mother. However, pregnant women should restrict wasabi consumption. It is not harmful, but having excessive amounts of it may lead to some side effects. 

During pregnancy, safety is the priority. As a result, it is advised to consume wasabi while aware of all potential side effects. It will help the mother prepare for any upcoming health issues. This article will discuss the side effects, benefits, and alternatives of consuming wasabi. Let’s start reading!

Is Wasabi Safe During Pregnancy?

Although some rumors say that wasabi is unsafe for pregnant women, it is not harmful to have wasabi during pregnancy. However, it is still better to have it in moderate amounts as there is no proof that it is entirely safe during pregnancy.  

Wasabi has a sharp and spicy taste with a pungent smell. Many pregnant women feel that way too. But the reason why some rumors claim wasabi to be harmful is because of its authenticity. There is a high chance the wasabi you purchase from stores is not authentic. Ninety-nine percent of the wasabi foods sold in restaurants contain a small amount of original wasabi. 

It is because the original one is expensive and difficult to maintain. The fakest wasabi is made using horseradish, contributing to the pungent odor. This ingredient is likely unsafe when pregnant women consume it in large amounts. It also uses mustard and green edible color. These ingredients may have a negative impact during pregnancy. 

Hence, some people say that even original wasabi is unsafe for pregnant women. As it may lead to some level of bleeding, they also claim that it may cause miscarriage. However, there is no scientific research to back up this claim.

Thus, it is debatable whether wasabi is a hundred percent safe during pregnancy. Since no solid evidence or scientific research claims it to be harmful, it is better not to decide anything. In most cases, nothing happens when a pregnant woman eats wasabi in small amounts. It is also recommendable to have fewer dishes containing wasabi to avoid bleeding.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Wasabi? 

There are some side effects from wasabi consumption, given that it occurs from excessive consumption. However, not all pregnant women consuming wasabi may experience such issues. It is because some people tend to have an excellent digestive system. 

Women who are prone to diarrhea should avoid having wasabi during pregnancy. Having such a spice will only trigger the weak digestive system. It may invite more than just diarrhea during pregnancy. Get a clear view of all the side effects from wasabi consumption with the help of the list of the possible side effects below:


Women who have existing skin diseases mainly suffer from allergic reactions. The most common allergic reactions include skin irritation and issues in the digestive system. Issues in the digestive system may lead to more problems. 

It will be worse if you are allergic to horseradish, mustard, or food color. Since most wasabi in restaurants is fake, almost all the wasabi dishes in the US will contain these ingredients. 

Morning Sickness

It is one of the most common side effects of having excessive wasabi during pregnancy. Morning sickness as a whole refers to puking, stomachache, nausea, and dizziness due to pregnancy. Having wasabi triggers morning sickness. 

When pregnant women keep having wasabi for a few days straight, they might experience this more often. They will often feel like vomiting, which may happen during the day or night. It is especially true for the first three months of pregnancy. 


Heartburn is also common during pregnancy, and having wasabi may trigger it further. Wasabi is a spicy paste, and spicy foods tend to increase heartburn during pregnancy. 

It forces the stomach acids into the esophagus, a muscular tube in the body. As a result, it travels up the throat and disrupts the internal body system. You can feel it in the chest once it happens. 

Are There Any Benefits of Having Wasabi During Pregnancy?

Besides side effects, having wasabi during pregnancy also comes with some benefits. But it only applies to real wasabi, which is rare. It is especially important for women suffering from metabolic reactions. These women can take advantage of the mouth-watering wasabi dishes. 

You can try consuming wasabi in small amounts to obtain the benefits of wasabi. It should not affect your health. Here are some possible benefits of having wasabi during pregnancy:

Encourages Weight Loss

Cells known as adipocytes store energy as fat; wasabi helps to reduce these cells. Carrying such a weight in the womb can prove very difficult for pregnant women. It may feel a bit lighter after reducing some weight; wasabi will help you through the process.

Constipation is common during pregnancy. Wasabi also improves the digestive system during pregnancy. It reduces some weight. 

 It Has Antibacterial Properties

The reason why wasabi has antibacterial properties is because of the compounds it contains. It has isothiocyanates that help in bacterial infections. Stopping the growth of bacteria will prevent it from reaching the child in the womb. 

It may as well prevent a bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori. This bacteria causes peptic ulcers in the stomach or small intestine. Additionally, it can also solve gastric issues with such antibacterial properties. 

It Has Anti-inflammatory Properties

Sometimes, women are exposed to Persistent Organic Pollutants, especially in the first few months. It is also known as chronic inflammation. Wasabi can force their bodies to stop inflammatory processes to prevent chronic illnesses.

As a result, women will be free of neurodegenerative diseases, heart diseases, and diabetes during pregnancy. It might also help with mood swings. 

Things To Have Instead Of Wasabi During Pregnancy

Since most wasabi dishes in the world are fake, it is better to avoid them. Several alternatives to wasabi are available. They are far better than fake wasabi. You can also eat them instead of the original wasabi. 

You can have Red Raspberry Leaf instead of wasabi during pregnancy. It is one of the best alternatives to wasabi. It helps increase the production of milk during pregnancy. Milk is essential for the baby, so you must consider this option. 

White and black pepper is also a good choice. White pepper helps with constipation, which is common during pregnancy. On the other hand, black pepper provides chromium—black pepper balances the blood sugar level and cholesterol. A balance will also reduce the chances of heart disease during pregnancy. 

As mentioned earlier, pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. Having cinnamon instead of wasabi may reduce morning sickness. It comes as a blessing as it reduces nausea.


To ensure a safe pregnancy, a woman needs to take care of her intake after deciding on a diet plan. Sometimes, you might have to sacrifice some food to ensure a healthy child. In that case, try the alternatives to wasabi if you’re craving it. 

Is wasabi safe during pregnancy? I hope I’ve been successful in answering this question. I wish you a safe journey of nine months.