
What Are The Best Pregnancy Books For First Time Parents

Recently one of my closest friends got pregnant for the first time. I’ve known them for a long time and am confident that they will make wonderful parents. But, even for the boldest of people, the first pregnancy can be terrifying. A good, informative, self-help book can be helpful to ease fear and anxiety. 

The market is overflowing with self-help books on pregnancy. But some of them don’t add any value to the expectant parents who need quick and correct answers. I have curated a list of the 11 best pregnancy books for first-time parents to help you deal with real-life pregnancy problems. 

1. Mayo Clinic Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy: From Doctors Who Are Parents, Too!

mayo clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy books for first time parents

Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy is one of the best reference books on pregnancy. The book covers all the details, from preparation to postpartum health issues and even newborn care. Additionally, the last chapter discusses the whys and hows of common pregnancy losses. 

Experts wrote the book in obstetrics at the Mayo Clinic. All the information in the book is backed by scientific research and analysis. It is a manual book by doctors to help people understand the physical and psychological changes during pregnancy to optimize perinatal care. 

To add a cherry on top, the language of the book is easily readable. Moreover, the book is written in a very clinical and neutral tone. Most books on pregnancy have a very emotional tone to them. But the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy focuses on giving the correct information without exaggeration. 

As it is a reference book, you may find it quite long. Reading it all at once can be challenging. That’s why I would suggest you go through it first, take note of the chapters, and read the chapters later as per your need. 

Key takeaways:

  • All the information is in one place. 
  • The neutral tone of the narration. 
  • Science and evidence-based advice by healthcare professionals. 

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2. Nurture: A Modern Guide To Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood, And Trusting Yourself And Your Body

nurture pregnancy books for first time parents

Nurture’s author Erica Chidi Cohen worked as a doula or a professional labor assistant in San Francisco’s prison. There she worked extensively with pregnant inmates. Later, she went to Los Angeles to build a successful career as a doula and health coach. 

All the experience assisting women in labor is poured into her book Nurture, but with reassurance and tenderness. The name nurture perfectly describes the book. Manual or reference books on pregnancy may seem very impersonal or medical to some people. If you are one of them, then this book is for you. 

Nurture has fewer technical details than other manual books on pregnancy. But it does cover all the events of one’s pregnancy timeline. The book also shows how to care for a newborn baby in the first week. 

It also contains effective self-care practices, illustrations, and mindfulness exercises. The book also contains journal exercises that help expectant mothers to keep track of their health and moods. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The book contains all the necessary information without over-detailing them. 
  • Book contains a nurturing and reassuring tone. 
  • It contains journal exercises. 
  • It contains mindfulness exercises. 
  • The book is written by an expert doula. 

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3. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide

pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn pregnancy books for first time parents

Written by professionals in the industry, this book is a scientific-research-based pregnancy guide. The book is a best-seller in the obstetrics & gynecology genre. It is undoubtedly one of the best pregnancy books for first-time parents. Also, it is a perfect combo between theoretical information and real-life experiences of pregnancy. 

The name justifies what’s inside the book. It is indeed a complete guide for first-time parents. The book has all the details from preconception to postpartum and sheds light on other vital things first-time parents need to know. The book covers the growing changes in the mother’s body and their psychological changes. Moreover, the book sheds light on breastfeeding, necessary physical tests that come along the way, and the pregnancy diet. Overall, the book is exceptionally well thought out. 

The book covers all the medical information about pregnancy. Yet, it feels different from manual pregnancy guides. The tone is reassuring and comforting. Pregnancy books sometimes invoke fear in the soon-to-be mothers’ hearts. But this book doesn’t do that. It delivers all the necessary information in a comforting manner. 

Key takeaways: 

  • All the information is in one place. 
  • Reassuring note of narration.
  • A wholesome book to have in your collection. 
  • The book is backed by science, written by doulas, nurses, and other experts. 

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4. Pregnancy Day By Day: An Illustrated Daily Countdown To Motherhood, From Conception To Childbirth.

pregnancy day by day pregnancy books for first time parents

Dr. Maggie Blott has written the book. She is the head of obstetrics and a consultant at the Royal Free Hospital in London, England. Her 30 years of experience are compiled in her book- Pregnancy Day by Day. The book covers everything from conception to the first two weeks of the baby’s life. Also, the medical advice in the book is provided by experts in obstetrics and gynecology who help mothers ease their anxiety around their first-time pregnancy. 

It’s a day-by-day illustrated book. Also, the fetal illustrations are very clear. Moreover, the book details the baby’s development with clarity and insight. Furthermore, the book sheds light on how exercise impacts pregnancy and what to expect from your radiology tests for the first time. 

Though a medical professional has written the book, it has a quite easy-to-read tone. It’s an excellent book for people who prefer visuals rather than text. Moreover, the book is a perfect read for you and your partner during the trying times of pregnancy. The clear illustrations make you feel more connected with your baby.  

Key takeaways: 

  • The book contains fetal illustrations. 
  • The book is written by an expert in obstetrics and gynecology. All information in this book is backed by medical science.
  • The book is a day-by-day guide on pregnancy. 

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5. The Preemie Primer: A Complete Guide For Parents Of Premature Babies 

the preemie primer pregnancy books for first time parents

Pregnancy is a long journey consisting of unexpected twists and turns. You don’t know what happens next. That’s why it’s good to be prepared to handle it all. 

Caring for a premature baby can be tricky. A good book can help you there. The Preemie Primer, written by a Canadian-American obstetrician and gynecologist Jennifer Gunter, a mother of preemies, can be beneficial for first-time preemie parents. 

The book has all the information first-time preemie parents may need- from NICU care to coming home with your baby. Also, it tells parents about the issues premature babies can face as they grow up into toddlers and finally enter the school system. 

Overall, the book’s transition to different stages of the preemie journey is wholesome and a practical guide for the parents. 

Key takeaways: 

  • It’s an all-in-one preemie guide for parents. 
  • The book is written by a doctor who is also a preemie parent. 
  • The tone of the book is easy to read. The technical details are understandable to people not from medical backgrounds. 

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6. Positive Discipline: The Classic Guide To Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Cooperation, And Problem-Solving Skills.

positive discipline pregnancy books for first time parents

It’s never too early to think about how to raise your children. A healthy relationship with your child is the foundation you have to build from day one. Positive Discipline by Dr. Jane Nelsen can help you there. 

The book’s author, Dr. Jane Nelsen, is an educational psychologist with years of experience in parent-child relationships. Being a licensed marriage and family counselor, Dr. Jane Nelsen knows how to build a loving relationship with our children without criticism and harshness. 

Scientific research has shown that children who grow up in a strict and controlling home can’t develop a sense of responsibility. According to the book, there are three parenting styles- applying strictness, letting go of all rules, and applying positive disciplines that benefit both the parents and children. The third one works the best.

But how to do it properly? Jane Nelsen’s book shows you the way to approach this technique effectively. If you are eager to pre-prepare yourself to grow a loving relationship with your child, keep this book in your collection. 

Key takeaways: 

  • This book teaches you that love should be the language of communication with your children. 
  • The book would help you if you grew up with strict and controlling parents. After reading the book, you will know how to build a loving relationship with your child.
  • The story-telling narration of the book helps the readers understand the concepts easily. 

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7. Bumpin’: The Modern Guide To Pregnancy: Navigating The Wild, Weird, And Wonderful Journey From Conception Through Birth

bumpin: the modern guide to pregnancy books for first time parents

The book’s author, Leslie Schrock, is a founding member of Rock Health, a company known for digitizing healthcare. Her many years of experience in healthcare service are shown brilliantly in her book, Bumpin’. 

The book is perfect for you and your partner to educate how’s and why’s of pregnancy. The book has divided the pregnancy timeline into five trimesters instead of the traditional threes. 

Trimester zero denotes conception and trimester four is the postpartum period. The book also describes how to manage to return to work after all the hustle and bustle of pregnancy. 

The book also sheds light on changing fertility with age, vaccinations, and breastfeeding. There are also budgeting tips, registration of newborns, and hospitalization checklists that are essential information for first-time parents. The book is a wholesome information treasure trove on pregnancy and childbirth, with information from experts in the field.

Key takeaways: 

  • The book covers all possible information you want as a first-time parent. 
  • The book is excellent for both parents. 
  • The modern approach to pregnancy is helpful. 
  • The tone of the book is very educational. 

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8. We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook

we're pregnant pregnancy books for first time parents

Being a first-time parent is challenging both for you and your partner. This book is for you if you are an expecting first-time dad. It is written by best-selling parenting author and stay-at-home dad Adrian Kulp. This book serves as a perfect guide for the nitty-gritty details of pregnancy for dads. 

This book offers correct clinical details on pregnancy and how to support expectant, first-time mothers as your partners. Also, this book shows you the broader perspective of having long-term family goals as a partner and a new dad. The combo of basic pregnancy details and how to plan on welcoming your baby is beneficial for first-time dads. 

Some may find the book very old-fashioned. The target audience of this book is primarily U.S. citizens. The book’s narrative is very traditional; it shows women as primary homemakers- though there is nothing wrong with that. The book works best if you are looking for an old-fashioned way to help your partner in pregnancy. 

Key takeaways: 

  • A different approach to pregnancy for the expectant father. 
  • The book has a very educational tone. 
  • The book has general advice on pregnancy, but it is not detailed. 

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9. Real Food For Pregnancy: The Science And Wisdom Of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition

real food for pregnancy books for first time parents

Prenatal nutrition is one of the most vital necessities for both the mother and child. Lily Nichols is a nutritionist who specializes in prenatal nutrition and gestational diabetes diets. Her book, Real Food for Pregnancy, shows first-time new moms nutrition basics that will help them get through the different stages of pregnancy.

The book’s content is backed by evidence-based nutritional science. Lily Nichols gives in-depth details on how nutrients work in fetal development. The recipes in the book are pretty easy to follow, and the meal plans help the mother maintain healthy body weight. Overall, this book is a complete guide to prenatal nutrition. 

Lily Nichols believes in the power of good food. No one has dissected prenatal nutrition like her. All information in the book is science-backed and impactful for the health of the mother and the baby. Moreover, the empathetic tone of narration in the book helps to calm expectant mothers.

Key takeaways: 

  • The book contains a complete guide to prenatal nutrition. 
  • The book is based on scientific research and studies. 
  • It is written by a renowned prenatal nutritionist and expert in the field. 

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10. The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: Keys To The MotherBaby Bond

the greatest pregnancy ever pregnancy books for first time parents

The bond between a mother and her child is one of the strongest biological bonds found in nature. It starts from conception and never really ends. Renowned childbirth educators Laurel Wilson and Tracy Wilson Peters show in their book how important this bond is and how to build a deep and loving connection with your child from the womb. 

Pregnancy is a journey full of anxiety and fear. Laurel Wilson and Tracy Wilson Peters give insightful views on managing stress during pregnancy. Also, the book is backed by science. It also shows how the baby’s development is linked to its mother’s emotions. Also, the formative period for the baby starts from the womb. 

The book helps expectant mothers connect with their mother-self, but with science. It also contains exercises that first-time mothers can find helpful. The supportive tone of the book is quite comforting for first-time mothers. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The book sheds light on creating a healthy bond with your child and other family members from conception.
  • The tone of the book is very supportive. 
  • The book is great to feel and connect with every stage of your pregnancy. 

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11. Mindful Birthing: Training The Mind, Body, And Heart For Childbirth And Beyond

mindful birthing pregnancy books for first time parents

Being present in every moment of your pregnancy can be a wholesome idea. But how to manifest the idea into reality? The book Mindful Birthing by Nancy Bardacke, a mindfulness teacher and midwife, shows first-time mothers how to have a mindful pregnancy experience. 

The book is a must-have in your collection if you plan to practice mindfulness during your pregnancy. Practicing mindfulness has scientifically proven physical and mental health benefits. If practiced correctly, mindfulness can decrease the fear of childbirth and other related fears that come naturally with pregnancy. 

Staying present in the process can eliminate excessive anxiety and make sure you and your partner decide what is suitable for you and your baby. So this book is not only for expectant mothers. It’s for the father as well. Overall, this book is excellent for mental health during pregnancy for both parents. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The book contains practical exercises on mindfulness.
  • It is excellent for reducing pregnancy-related anxiety. 
  • The book has a calming tone to it. 

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That’s all about the best pregnancy books for first-time parents. Pregnancy can be a difficult journey, and books are great companions at this time. But there are a few exceptions even books can’t manage. Maintaining a positive outlook during every stage of pregnancy is very important. 

If you think positively, positive things will happen to you. Stay well! Thank you for reading through the article!