
25 Single Parenting Life Hacks That Make Your Life Easier

The word “single” in the title might strike emotional chords with many of our readers. One of the most difficult tasks in the modern era is being a single parent.  And that’s why you need some single parenting life hacks that make everything a whole lot easier.

Single parenting is a tough gig, full of tough decisions and hard times. It can be a tough road at times, but there are ways to ease your way through those difficult moments and reach success. Now, all you have to do is find your unique personal strategy or plan to deal with day-to-day issues and challenges.

It is also one of the most rewarding things you can do. But it does not mean you can not use some help! That is why we have put together this list of single parenting life hacks to make your life easier.

How Is The Life Of A Single Parent?

A single parent is a parent who does not have a partner to help raise their children. There are many reasons for this, but the most common one is divorce or the death of a spouse. Depending on the age and situation of the children, there are many different ways to be a single parent. 

Single parents can take care of their kids full time, or they may only have custody on the weekends, depending on their agreement with their ex-spouse. There can also be single parents who do not wish to have custody of their children. They may give full custody to their ex-spouse.

The life of a single parent can be rewarding and fulfilling if they make the right decisions with the help of other single parents. These options are better to choose when you want children, who will be your only responsibility. 

While the life of a single parent is not without its challenges, we recommend that parents take advantage of this flexible lifestyle by exploring their options. Single parenting can be rewarding because single parents are forced to be the primary caretaker for their children. Yet they also have more freedom and flexibility than married couples do.

Struggles Single Parents Face In Their Everyday Life

Single parenting is a tough job; you do not need to be an expert to notice. There are plenty of things that happen every day that can make single parents feel overwhelmed and exhausted. 

Struggles Single Parents Face In Their Everyday Life

If you are a single parent, this list might seem like a bunch of stuff you already know about — or maybe it is not something you even want to think about on your worst days. So we will try to be as specific and helpful as possible.

Kids Are Constantly Asking For Stuff

As a single parent, the most common question you will get from your kid is “Can I have … ?” And of course, you are always happy to, so long as what they want is reasonably possible for you to give. 

Kids are always inconsiderate and selfish, and sometimes they make demands without considering how inconvenient or difficult it might be for their parents. They will ask you to jump up and fix their toy trucks before you even finish watching your TV show.

They will want to go on a long car trip and ask you to buy them an expensive toy or game at the next mall. Sometimes your kids just say things that make sense, but it is, even more, frustrating than usual— like in the middle of nowhere you suddenly need to stop the car because there is something funny going on in the backseat.

Kids Are Unpredictable

Kids will always be kids, and they will always surprise you with their intensity, their sensitivity, and their self-control. Sometimes, they do it in ways that will seem like the toughest things ever to experience as a parent. As a single parent, you have to do everything for everyone all the time. 

You have to feed the kid, sit them down and listen to what they want to say, and explain why you are not giving it to them (even if it seems like a good deal). Also when they get angry at you, it is embarrassing. Other parents can play with their kids, while you are left sitting alone with your hands on your lap.

You Are Always On The Edge

When you are a single parent, your kids are just a step away from disaster at all times. Whether it is the stove, a sharp object, or the stairs — there are a lot of dangers out there when you have kids. 

Even if you try your best to keep them safe and healthy and smart, they are going to keep getting into trouble anyway (especially if they are little). There is just no way to foresee it all.

You Are Constantly Busy 

As a single parent, your life will be very busy and chaotic. You will have to juggle baby and toddler time, school projects and playtime, bedtime, and homework. So you will be constantly rushing here, rushing there, and trying to keep everyone happy.

Kids Will Ask You Awkward Questions

As a single parent, you are the only person that can ask all the questions they want to. This is a good thing, of course, because you can answer every question and give your opinion on things. 

Kids Will Ask You Awkward Questions

The bad part is that this will also make you their go-to person for awkward questions. Eventually, your kid will have to ask questions about death, sex, or any other question that might make you squirm.

Kids Are Not Very Considerate 

When you are a single parent, you will be tired for a lot of reasons. You will be tired because of your kids, because of work and other stuff you have to do. But whatever the reason is, your kids will always make it worse. 

They will want to play with their toys but they will understand why you do not have time for them — and then they will get angry and whiney about how unfair it is. Sometimes they will lose their temper completely, and start screaming at you, and this will make you feel even more tired.

Have To Be Quick In Responding 

Sometimes your kid will have a problem that seems like it is going to turn into a big deal. They might stumble in the dark and hurt themselves. Or they will say something hurtful and sad. It is your job to help them through this, and your only response is “I will go get my mommy right now.” 

And you will run over to her as quickly as you can, hoping that she knows what to do. But when you tell the story to other parents, they will often advise you to keep calm and try not to make a big deal out of it. This causes you stress because your kid needs their help so much.

You Are Always Worrying 

As a single parent, you have to worry about your kids all the time. Even when they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. You will worry when they are in daycare or school because you do not know how much they understand or what the teachers are like. 

You will worry because something happened at their friend’s house, and it seems more serious than anyone is admitting. Then, you’ll worry because you do not know if they are being bullied at school, or getting hurt when they play with other kids. You will always feel slightly uneasy about your kids, even though they seem perfectly happy and healthy.

Kids Are Too Noisy

Kids will be noisy no matter what you do as a parent. But as a single parent, without another adult around, it seems like much more of a challenge to keep them quiet. When you are a single parent, you will come home from work and find them making all sorts of noise.

There will be no one to help calm them down. Sometimes you will have to force them to be quiet, and this will just make things worse.

Kids Throw Tantrums At The Most Inconvenient Of Times

Mostly when your kids are throwing tantrums, it is just like any other normal day. But sometimes the timing really does seem quite unfortunate. They will get upset about something and then they won’t let you do anything about it, scream for no reason, and then when you try to calm them down. They will throw a bigger tantrum because you are trying to solve their problem too quickly. This is especially frustrating when you are managing all these being a single parent.

All these are reasons why you need some single parenting life hacks in your life to make things are lot smoother.

25 Single Parenting Life Hacks

Single parents have a lot of things to juggle as we mentioned earlier, which can be overwhelming and stressful. Lacking time to cook nutritious meals, single parents are often left with fast food or easy microwave meals that lack nutrition. 

Life Hacks For Single Parent

Is it possible to have a healthy diet while still managing household hassles? The answer is yes! Try out these single parenting life hacks, and you will be amazed at what they can do for your well-being — no excuses!

Skip The Store

Bought pre-prepped vegetables can cost twice as much as buying fresh food, a factor that single parents may not be able to afford. If you are pressed for time, visit your local farmer’s market and buy seasonal vegetables instead. 

Buying locally will save you time and money, especially if you have access to a kitchen — there is no need to pre-prep veggies if you can cook them at home!

Brown-bag It

You can save time by packing lunch at night. Just make a batch of roasted chicken and add it to your favorite sandwich the next day. It is a great way to avoid starchy side orders, as well as encourage healthy eating habits. 

When you have a lot on your plate, it is easy to skip meals or reach for unhealthy snacks. If you pack leftovers in the morning, you ensure that you won’t skip meals without realizing it!

The Power Of A Good Thermos

Even if you have the time to cook a hot meal, let’s face it: chores and errands can be pretty time-consuming. 

Instead of spending hours in the kitchen, make it easy on yourself by packing meals in portable containers. It is a cinch to heat up in the microwave and makes lunchtime easy.

Don’t Hit The Drive-thru

If you have more than one kid being a single parent, you can probably tell that mealtime can be a chaotic time. 

Your choices are limited, so you might be tempted to stock up on unhealthy side dishes to satisfy everyone’s needs. Take time to check out the menu online before you go out and stick to healthy sides like veggies and fruit.

Set A Timer For Microwave Meals

It might be tempting to heat a frozen pizza or other fast food when you are tired. But try setting a timer for 5 minutes and see if the food is still warm when it goes off. 

If your food is still hot, you can eat it. If not, pop it back in the microwave and try again. Skipping a meal to reheat food is easy, but learning to recognize when it’s safe to eat will make a big difference to your waistline.

Go Bag-less

If you are carrying lots of bags around, you’re bound to trip or drop something. Instead of letting your bad habits wear you down, use a bagless system. This is one of the most important single parenting life hacks there is.

Simply take only the bags you need for each shopping trip. If you are taking a lot of bags with you, consider investing in an attractive and streamlined purse organizer.

Organize The Pantry

Much like your fridge, your pantry is probably overflowing with various food items that are unusable at any given time. Instead of letting everything go bad or letting things just sit on the shelf for months at a time, organize your pantry to make way for new items.

Once you get organized, it will be easier to incorporate new food items into your diet and you will never have to wait too long to find a sweet snack.

Try Meal Delivery

To keep food fresh, you may want to consider trying meal delivery services (Momento, Blue Apron, and others). This is more expensive than making your food, but it also makes it easy to eat healthier. If you are short on time, you can use the service to deliver a meal in the morning and then get a small snack after work.

Use Simple Recipes

One of the biggest struggles that single parents have to deal with is the lack of time they have on their hands. If you are feeling stressed about a busy day, consider making things easier on yourself.

Trying out simple recipes that require few ingredients. You can make your whole grain bread or even a premade pizza.

Make Your Snacks

Most single parents are worried about putting unhealthy snacks in front of their kids but also concerned about eating healthy themselves. When you are pressed for time, consider making your snacks at home and bringing them with you to work. 

You can bake homemade muffins or brownies, which will be healthier than store-bought options and they will not cost a lot of money.

Avoid Processed Foods

If you eat a lot of processed foods from the supermarket, it is time to start shopping at wholesale stores. A lot of healthy foods tend to come in bulk. 

So you can buy what you need for the week and save money at the same time. Instead of bringing home pre-packed bags of fruit or vegetables, try buying loose potatoes in bulk.

Take Breaks

Rather than constantly working yourself to the bone, try taking a break. If you are working overtime, schedule some time for yourself to do something that relaxes you. Go for a vacation with your child. Whether you take a long shower or run an errand, it will help to clear your head and allow you to better focus on your job.

Adjust Your Hours

Don’t be afraid to ask for a raise if you feel you are working too many hours. You can also ask for more flexible hours so that you have more time to spend with your family or at least to take a rest from your hectic life.

If you work at home, consider working from home or moving to a different job location. This may seem like a drastic step, but if it is within your budget, it might be a good way to make life better for yourself and your family.

Consider Taking A Break

When you are stressed about single parenting and all the problems that come with it, you can get caught up in the moment. Be sure to take a break from work or your daily activities every once in a while so that you do not burn out. 

You can take the time to relax and enjoy yourself so that you can come back with a fresh outlook on life. Even if you only have a weekend break, it will be better than spending an entire month working hard and feeling like you’re nothing more than a “mom.”

Whether you decide to go on vacation, spend time with your friends, or reconnect with your family, this should be a time to relax and recharge. This will help you to get back to your life full of responsibility toward your children and family.

Work Hard

If you are having a tough time balancing single parenting and your job, consider working some overtime. You can make sure that you get everything done while also making time for yourself and your family. 

This will help to ensure that your family is taken care of and that you are not overloading yourself during work days. However, do not forget to balance this extra work with your physical and mental health. 

Give Up Control

Single parenting can be very challenging, especially when other people do not understand your needs as a parent. If you have a difficult time controlling your emotions, it is okay to ask for help. 

Sometimes, it is best to give up some control to be able to move forward and progress. Do not forget that you are also a person with needs and feelings!

Share The Workload

If you do not trust others or want to remain in control of your home life, consider sharing the workload with an outside person. 

If you have a family member or friend who is willing to help out, you can ask them to pick up the kids from school once a week. This will allow you some time to spend with your partner or at work without having to worry about your kids.

Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

Although single parents need to spend time with their children, they also need to make time for themselves and their partners. Spend some quality time together and reconnect after years of feeling like a single parent raising two kids. If you are feeling like you do not have time for your partner, this should be a step in the right direction.

Do not forget that you are surrounded by people who love you. Try making some time to hang out with friends or go on a nice date night with your partner. Spend some time doing something that will make you feel good about life and share this joy with others.

Take Advantage Of Learning

There are many ways to improve your life and advance in your career. Consider taking courses that will help you grow professionally and personally by learning new skills or teaching others. 

You can do this while homeschooling or using online courses that also provide a curriculum for you to follow.

Do Not Take It Personally

Although your children may be the biggest source of stress, try not to take their behavior personally. It is not that hard for a child to think that their parents are the reason for all their problems. 

But you should try to remain positive and patient with your kids while making them accustomed to a daily routine. They need you to be strong to come out on top.

Try Something New

A good mother is a happy mother. And that why this is one of the most important single parenting life hacks there is. If you are feeling like you are stuck in a rut, consider trying out a new activity as a family. This can be something as simple as visiting a new museum or trying a recreational activity like bowling or miniature golf. 

Try Something New

You might feel closer to your children by doing something together, and it will also give you some time to bond.

Choose Your Battles

Sadly, it is not possible for parents to be perfect and make their kids happy all the time. When your child is being stubborn or difficult, do not get caught up in the moment and remain calm. It is just a phase and there are plenty of things you can do to get through it and move forward.

Be Kind To Yourself

Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that your kids do not know any better than you do. 

Being a single parent does not mean that you will never be able to have a life outside of being a “mom.” Instead, you should take the time to enjoy the ups and downs of single parenting and make the best of it.

Keep A Sense Of Humor

No matter how hard you try, there will be times when you feel like everything is going wrong. It Is easy to get caught up in stressful moments and forget everything good about your life. 

When this happens, try to play the role of life coach and remind yourself that you can still make it through even the toughest times. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile or a bit of laughter to help you move past any problems or frustrations in life.

Make A Clean Shower Curtain Out Of Plastic Bags

When you are a single parent and you have kids, making time for cleaning can be difficult. A quick way to make it even easier is to make a shower curtain out of plastic bags. 

This makes it easier for the bathroom to stay clean because it just needs to be washed once a week.


Parenting is hard enough, but when you are a single parent it is 10 times harder. You are probably wondering how people do it. The truth is that all single parents have to work twice as hard to raise their kids and make it in life. But there are always some single parenting life hacks for you to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life as a single parent.

Being a single parent often teaches you to be responsible and prepare yourself for challenges with the best of it. And with these single parenting life hacks, you’ll be ready for anything that is about to come.