
Is It Ok To Put Baby To Sleep Without Burping – Explained

Burping your child before sleeping is almost a religious tradition done by every mother. And if you are a new mother, you probably were told to do it as well. That it’s a good thing. But, why is it such a good thing? Do babies even need to be burped before sleep? 

While burping isn’t necessary, it can provide comfort and relaxation to the baby. It can also ensure that your baby sleeps uninterrupted and doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night being startled by his own gas. 

In this article, I will discuss some logical reasons for which you might not want to put baby to sleep without burping. And also why it might not be such a big deal. So, keep on reading. 

Should You Burp Your Baby Before Putting Them to Sleep?

The reason parents burp their babies before putting them to sleep is to release air. When babies eat, they tend to swallow air during feeds. This is pretty normal. Burping your baby helps to release these small amounts of air.

If the air is stuck inside, it can be irritating to your baby. And sometimes, it may even cause pain. They might flail around and cry. Burping your baby before they go to sleep is generally considered good practice.

Many babies may suffer from acid reflux, and take a lot of air during feeding time. You need to get this air out as efficiently as possible. This will not only be healthier for your baby, but they will also be more comfortable.

And a comfortable baby means a more comfortable you. You will not have to deal with an irritable baby keeping you up late into the night. Things get a bit complicated when you look into more research though. 

Some research says that burping your baby is not that necessary. However, babies who have not been burped generally show signs of discomfort. Their hands might be clenched, and they might also wail.

They might also refuse to eat during meal time. We think it is always a good practice to burp your babies before putting them to sleep. Besides burping, you can also try other things to help your baby sleep better. Anyway, there is no reason to lose sleep over burping your baby once in a while.

What If You Did Not Burp Your Baby Before Sleep?

Let’s be honest here. Parenting is hard work. With so many things to keep track of, it is easy to get sidetracked and forget your baby to burp before sleep. So, what if you did not? Relax, it is not the end of the world.

You do not need to worry about any major health concerns. They will most likely pass the air from the other end. How much babies need to be burped can differ as well. Some babies do not swallow that much air when feeding. And you will see they are eating and sleeping just fine. Even without burping. In that case, you are lucky.

Although, if you see that your baby does sleep and feels better after burping, it might be worth burping him/her. You might also want to wake them up just to burp and put them to sleep after that.

What If You Did Not Burp Your Baby Before Sleep

It might seem very rude to wake a cute baby who is in a deep sleep. But burping can help them sleep better. This is because babies often get startled while passing gas while asleep. So, burping them before sleep can help get rid of those late night tantrums.

How To Burp A Baby?

With all that said and done, let’s check out the most effective and quickest way to burp a baby. Burping a baby is not that difficult. 

And with some practice, you will get the hang of it. There are mainly three positions you can use to burp your beloved child. You can do it over your shoulder, lying or sitting on your lap. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to burp a baby the right way.

Over The Shoulder

This one is very common. And you will recognize this position too! It is very simple to do.

Step 1: Hold your baby gently upright. And make sure that their head is resting on your shoulder.

Step 2: Gently pat their back with your palm. We recommend slightly cupping your hand when you pat their backs. It is slightly gentler.

Lying On Your Lap

Another position is burping your baby while they are lying on your lap.

Step 1: Lay your baby on your lap. You need to lay them face down.

Step 2: Then simply, rub your hands across their backs. You can also pat the back gently. This will release any trapped air.

One thing you need to keep in mind with this position is that there is a chance of our baby spitting up. You might need to keep a cloth handy in that case.

Sitting On Your Lap

Lastly, you can sit your baby on your lap and try burping them that way. Here is how to do it.

Step 1: Put your baby on your lap. You need to ensure that they do not fall over though. Use one hand to support their chest and chin.

Step 2: Rub the other hand gently across their back. You can pat their back as well. If you are patting them on their back, make sure you are gentle. And use repeated gentle pats.

You do not have to use a single method every time. Try using a combination of these. Just check to see which one works best for you and your baby.

Sometimes, even if you follow these steps, your baby might still not burp. And they may show signs of gas trapped inside. In that case, you can try laying them down and gently massaging their stomach. However, if that does not work, then it is best to talk to a physician. 

How To Tell If Your Baby Needs To Be Burped?

After feeding, there are pretty clear signs you can look out for. These will help you know when you need to burp your baby.

How To Tell If Your Baby Needs To Be Burped

It can be hard to pick up on the subtle signs sometimes. But, in general, if you know what to look for, you will catch them easier.

Baby’s Stomach Making Loud Noises

This is one of the telltale signs that your baby needs to be burped. After feeding, if your baby gets gassy, then you will hear their stomach make loud noises. If you hear any such noises, it is safe to assume that your baby needs to be burped.

Vomiting or Making Noises

Some babies might even vomit and make noises when they are uncomfortable. They can make noises specifically during feeding. This is another sign that you should burp them. You can also check out this feeding schedule guide for toddlers.

General Discomfort

If your baby shows general discomfort, that is another sign that they need to be burped. They might be restless and wail their arms and legs, which are all pretty solid signs of gas. And you should burp them at that point.

Wrapping Up

Well, there you have it. That was all about whether it is okay to put baby to sleep without burping or not. The thing to remember is that although some studies show burping is not completely necessary, it is still good practice.

It will give your baby a comfortable night sleep, all the while helping with gas. You do not need to keep burping your baby forever, though. Eventually, they will learn to not swallow air as they grow up.