
Baby Essentials For First 3 Months: Must Know For Every Parent

If possible, parents could buy the whole world for their babies. They try to manage every little necessary thing that their baby needs. At the beginning of the parenthood journey, there are some essential products that every parent should have for their babies. Thus, it is a must to know for parents: what are the baby essentials first 3 months?

For the first 3 months, the babies need to have proper clothing, bedding essentials, bath items, toys, footwear, burp cloths, breast pumps, first-aid essentials, etc. It’s also good to have a baby stroller, crib, rocker, and books. Every parent needs to buy these products for the first few months of their babies. It’s essential for their safe and beneficent growth.

You must be confused about choosing the products and how many would be enough to buy for a baby. Well, no worries! Here we have a proper list with every necessary detail that a parent needs to know. Stick around with us and follow along!

Baby Essentials For The First 3 Months

Clothing is an essential need for every human being. Babies also need to dress up not just to look good but also to be protected from a few things. You should select newborn babies’ clothes very wisely. Let’s have a look at what factors you should be careful about while selecting your baby clothes:

Clothing Essentials

Clothing is an essential need for every human being. Babies also need to dress up not just to look good but also to be protected from a few things. You should select newborn babies’ clothes very wisely. Let’s have a look at what factors you should be careful about while selecting your baby clothes:

Baby Outfits

An outfit is one of the four basic needs of babies. From their birth, the baby needs to be put on a piece of fabric. You might want to dress your baby in the cutest and best outfits. But, it is recommended to select some soft and simple outfits for the first few days. At least 10-15 outfits are enough for the first 1-3 months. Also, they are budget-friendly.
Newborn babies grow very fast. They grow up at lightning speed. So, don’t buy too many clothes for them, as they may outgrow them soon. You need to change the outfits of a newborn baby every 2-3 hours. Babies are messy with their clothes, and they often get ruined by food, sweat, vomit, burps, or other things. So, you have to prepare enough clothes.


Onesies are also called baby suits or creepers. This creeper is the most adorable baby costume, more like a T-shirt that is extended below the waist. Babies feel very comfortable in onesies. Also, it is readily available in any baby store.

The best part is that onesies come in one piece, so it’s easy to wear and manage. It’s better to have a minimum of 7-8 onesies. However, the amount of clothing depends on how frequently you do laundry. It can differ from person to person.


Baby socks are one of the essential things that a newborn baby needs. Babies are sensitive and weak, especially in the earlier phase of the first 1-3 months. They need to be fully covered in cold areas, especially at night. So, you need to have 4-6 pairs of baby socks.

While purchasing these items, keep in mind the weather. If it’s too hot, maybe two pairs of socks will be enough. But if it’s too cold or snowy, you need to have more than that. Babies also don’t wear shoes as they cannot walk. So, it’s safe to put on socks.

Baby Hats

Baby hats are mandatory in cold weather. However, doctors recommend putting hats on newborn babies since they are sensitive to the cold.

But in comparatively warm areas, it’s not that necessary. People also love to have baby hats for fashion. It looks very charming on babies.

Baby Sleepers

Babies cannot use blankets. Since they are tiny little in size, blankets are pretty heavy. And it is necessary to cover them up with something while they are sleeping. So, you better arrange some baby sleepers or sleeping sacks for them.
Baby sleepers, also known as sacks, are wearable blankets that keep babies warm and safe in their cribs. You can also make it at home. It’s comfortable and easy to use. You can purchase 2-3 baby sleepers to keep your baby safe in their crib!

Wet Tissues

Babies are quite messy. They are going to mess up every little thing related to them. Starting from food to defecates, you will have to clean everything on them.

So having wet tissue is a must. It makes the cleaning task more manageable. It is safe for baby skin as well.


Diapers are a basic need for newborn babies. You will need at least 6-7 packs of diapers a week for a newborn baby.

There are various diapers available for babies, such as cloth diapers and disposable diapers. You can choose any of them suitable for you and your baby.

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes work as an alternative to wet tissues. Wipes are better to clean baby skins. There are many kinds of wipes available for babies. Disposable wipes and cloth wipes both are good for babies. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
However, 3-4 packs of disposable wipes are enough for a week, and if you have cloth wipes, 12 pieces will be enough.

Rexine Or Waterproof Pads

Constantly using diapers can harm baby skins. So, it’s better to keep them without diapers for at least 10-12 hours a day to save them from rashes. While lying on the bed without diapers, they can easily wet the bedsheets.

Thus you will have to wash 3-4 bed sheets a day. That would be quite tiring. So an easy solution is to lay a waterproof rexine underneath their backside.

Cloth Diaper Cleaner

Since babies need to change 9-10 diapers a day, it can be costly for some parents. In that case, using cloth diapers might be a savior.
However, cloth diapers require washing daily. You need to buy a good quality cloth diaper detergent to clean these.

Rash Cream

Diapers can cause rashes on baby skin. It’s a very common issue. So, if you are using disposable or cloth diapers, it’s good to have a rash cream. It will save the baby from skin rashes and other skin problems.

Bedding Essentials

Newborn babies spend most of their time lying on the bed. Their bedding should be very comfortable and cozy. Also, bedding essentials need to be arranged in the parents’ room as it’s not safe to leave them alone.


Pillows are an invaluable companion for every human being. How can babies be different from that? They need small-sized soft pillows for their bedding.
It also helps to make the feeding process easier. Mothers use the pillow as support while breastfeeding their babies.


Cradles are mainly used as bedding, which is essential for babies. It’s essential to choose a comfortable bed for them as they will spend most of their time. Baby cradles have boundaries on their edges so the baby doesn’t fall from them. As it swings, they enjoy the swag very much. So a cradle can be a good option for babies.

There are also some adjustable cradles available that can be set by the bed. So the mother can easily breastfeed the babies. Parents prefer to share their beds with babies, but the safer option is to have a cradle. Because, while sleeping, your unconscious movements can hurt them.


You need to buy a mattress that fits accurately in the cradle. A baby mattress should be soft and cozy. There are also waterproof mattresses so that you don’t need to purchase extra waterproof pads.
Also, while buying these products, don’t forget to select a colorful one. It makes the place happier and dreamy for the babies.


Sheets are also essential for proper bedding. Washing the mattress can be difficult. So if you put cover sheets over the mattresses, it will save the mattress from dirt. Since cleaning a sheet is comparatively more manageable, having 4-5 sheets of the same mattress size is good.


A co-sleeper is similar to an adjustable baby crib. It can be set by the side of the bed. And it is safe, as the mother can sleep beside the baby and easily breastfeed them when needed. For this reason, many people are now considering having co-sleepers as bedding essential.

Feeding Essentials

For the first 1-3 months, the babies only need to be breastfed by their mothers. But, you will need other things, too, to feed your baby. Like some burp clothes, breast pumps, bottles, and bottle nipples are feeding essentials.

Burp Cloths

Burp cloths are the most required baby product for feeding. Burping and vomiting are very common activities for babies. It’s safe to use a burp cloth while feeding them.

Otherwise, you will have to wash their clothes after every meal. That’s why burp cloths are invaluable for babies.

Breast Pumps

For the first 1-3 months, babies only depend on their mother for breastfeeding. So, if the mother is working for a job or having a busy day, breast pumps are essential in that case. They can save their time and feed the baby with breast bumps.

Also, there are electric breast pumps available with more advanced techniques. It helps to feed the babies on time.


If you are bottle-feeding your newborn babies, you need to buy 4-5 bottles. And these have to be very good quality bottles.

Having enough bottles can save you from midnight washing hassles. So it’s another feeding essential you should have for your baby.

Bottle Nipples

Babies are unable to chew or drink from bottles. They’ll need someone to eat the food. Thus they’ll need a supplier.

Bottle nipples are suppliers who assist in the feeding of babies. You’ll need around 6-8 bottles, which should be germ-free and safe.


In the case of bottle-feeding, washing the bottles regularly is an essential task. The bottle brush is a convenient tool for washing bottles.

It makes the job more manageable and easier. Bottlebrushes are a very effective tool for having a germ-free baby feeder.

Bathing Essentials

Baby baths are very enjoyable. But not all the babies are very happy about it. Some doctors recommend giving a sponge bath for the first 1-2 months.

Also, regular bathing can harm their sensitive skin. You have to be very careful about the bathing products as well.

Hooded Towels

Hooded towels are specially designed towels for babies. It has a small hoodie at the end of it. So it’s easier to wrap the baby with it after the bath. One hooded towel is alright. But it’s good to have two pieces of it for emergency cases.
Also, you shouldn’t use baby towels for other work. Since baby skin is extremely sensitive, they can easily have rashes and skin problems if someone else uses their towels.

Tear-free Shampoo

There is a special shampoo available that is only made for babies. Given that they cry a lot, their eyes are sensitive. And, adult shampoos are not safe for their sensitive eyes.

On the other hand, baby shampoos are tear-free. And it doesn’t create any problems in their eyes. It also works as a shower gel for them.


Many doctors recommend giving a sponge bath to newborn babies. So it is essential to have a soft square-sized sponge to gently rub their skin while bathing.
It helps to clean their bodies. The sponge is a convenient tool for a baby bath.

Baby Lotion

Baby lotions have extra moisturizing materials since the babies’ skin is extremely sensitive. One bottle of baby lotion is enough for a month.
You can apply it to their whole body. Baby lotions help keep their skin moisturized and save them from a lot of skin problems.

Baby Bathtub

Baby bathtub makes the bathing process more manageable. But a kitchen sink will also work fine. If you don’t have a wide kitchen sink, then a baby bathtub is essential.
It is inexpensive and easily available. One bathtub can survive the whole childhood of your baby. You can use a second-hand bathtub if you don’t want to buy a new one.

First aids

Babies often get sick in their first few weeks. It’s very normal to raise their temperature and catch a cold. So, you have to be prepared with a good pediatrician if your baby gets sick. And some essential things need to be available in the first aid box. These are:


If your babies are not well, giving them medicines with a spoon sometimes gets difficult. In this situation, having a dropper makes the whole process much easier. It can sometimes be beneficial to feed liquid foods as well.


Newborn babies often have a warm temperature. It’s good to have a thermometer at home. It’s even better to arrange a digital thermometer since babies are not quite easy with these kinds of things.
Checking up regularly on their health can save you from long-term health issues. These essentials can be different for every parent, according to their daily requirements. So, you can add or remove any of these as your baby’s nature.

When to Start Buying Baby Essentials?

Most parents start buying their baby essentials as soon as they reveal the baby’s gender. Gender reveal is a much-awaited ceremony in some countries. Though maximum essentials don’t depend on the gender of the baby, some parents start shopping earlier. After 13-18 weeks, most expecting parents start planning the list of baby essentials.

Bedding, bathing, feeding, furniture, etc., don’t depend on the gender of the baby. So, many parents start buying baby products after 12 weeks. Especially busy people, who don’t have much time to shop, start it earlier to be safe from the hassle. However, sooner or later, every parent needs to buy these things.

Is It Safe to Reuse Secondhand or Used-Baby-Products?

Many parents believe that using second-hand products is good for babies. Though it’s not entirely true, some used baby products are safe. Clothing and footwear, cloth diapers, bathing essentials, etc., are safe to reuse. But other things are better to buy new.

While choosing used products, make sure they don’t have visible defects, molds, and stains. And before using them, clean them properly. You can also reuse the toys and baby trollers if they are in a good state. So, we can say that it’s pretty safe to reuse second-hand baby products except for feeding and bedding essentials.


Parenthood is a very special journey. You have to be careful about each detail and enjoy every moment of this journey at the same time. The first few days may seem a little difficult.
But patience and proper planning of baby essentials first 3 months will make the whole process much easier. All the best for this incredible journey!