
Why Does My Child Only Wear One Sock?  Here’s What To Do

Kids are a curious bunch, and it’s only natural for them to take an interest in the clothing that they wear. Kids often like to explore by putting on more clothes than usual—or fewer clothes than usual! Have you ever noticed your child wearing only one sock? 

There is no simple answer to why does my child only wear one sock. Kids often just want to feel different. Kids who wear only one sock have always felt different from their friends, siblings, and parents. They may “act out” by wearing only one sock or by yanking their pants down if they are being watched. 

Instead of telling your child to wear both socks, let your child know that it’s okay to feel different. Encourage your child to be open about their feelings with a trusted teacher or friend about it. Dealing with a stubborn, single-socket kid can be frustrating for a parent. But luckily, there are solutions.

Reasons Behind My Child Wearing One Sock

Out of every single question asked by parents having children, this one is by far the most common. And yet, the answer is quite simple: 

Personal Choice

There are many reasons for a child to only wear one sock. Sometimes it can be as simple as them being too lazy to put on socks in the morning. It can also be from not wanting to take off their shoes because they’re playing outside. 

Other times, it can be more complex, such as them wanting to appear more exciting or quirky, trying to get people’s attention, or being cold. Kids will wear whatever they think is cool at the time. By wearing one sock, they’re trying to fit in with the crowd and attempt to look older than they are.

Reasons Behind My Child Wearing One Sock

Sensory Sensitivity

Kids with sensory processing disorders often have a hard time wearing the clothes they need because they feel too restrictive on their bodies. This can lead to them only wanting to wear one sock or having a tough time keeping clothes on when tucked in at night.

Many children are sensitive to textures or materials they come into contact with. For many, wearing a sock on one foot is a way to limit the sensations that may be overwhelming. 

Creating A Calmer Environment

Having an item of clothing on just one foot can help change how sensitive your child is to texture, sound, and other people’s movements. Maybe having the sock on just one foot gives them some sort of comfort. 

Your Child Might Have ASD or SPD

It is not uncommon for children with autism to have special needs when it comes to clothing. Often, it is a sensory need that requires a specific type of garment. For example, one of the obstacles faced by some children with SPD or ASD is their difficulty in pairing socks. 

Sometimes they will only wear one sock. Others will wear mismatched socks, like wearing a white sock and a blue sock on the same foot. Studies show that children with autism often have unusual preoccupations. One of these is the need to wear clothing in a specific manner. For example, they may enjoy wearing a piece of clothing on one side of their body. 

The reasons for this behavior are not known specifically, but experts speculate that it may be caused by either sensory issues or anxiety. The sensory issue is that some children with autism need to feel the texture of certain materials under their skin, such as their socks. 

Additionally, if one sock is too tight, the child may become anxious, uncomfortable, and frightened of it, or this may be tied to their anxiety disorder with ASD. Children with SPD or ASD often have difficulty distinguishing between sensory input from their feet and hands. In other words, their brain cannot process the sensation.

They Feel Too Hot 

Your child could be feeling a bit too warm due to the thick fabric of the sock or just due to the weather.  Maybe taking off one sock is giving them some relief and they just forgot about the other one or didn’t bother taking it off. 

What Can You Do About It?

The solution to a child wearing one sock will go into two different sections. The parents need to observe and find out which of the following would go with their child and act accordingly. 

What Can You Do When Your Child Wearing One Sock

Child Wearing One Sock With No Sensory Issue

When the child is simply wearing one sock and there is no sensory issue, parents have a few options:

Try to coordinate the child’s socks and shoes. Try using a different color or pattern of socks. Not every sock that works for your child will work as well on others, so you may need to try several before finding one that works for everyone.

Try using two socks at the same time. Some people try this and it helps. However, one sock may end up slipping off and rubbing against the skin which can be distressing for both the child and their caregiver.

Child Wearing One Sock With Sensory Issues

When a child has sensory issues or ASD and their sock choice is consistent with their preoccupation, parents can attempt to get them to wear socks:

Mommies can usually be a great help to this. A child develops a connection with mommy at an early stage be it a child with sensory issues or not. So as a mommy you can start by putting on only one sock. You may be able to get the child to wear a pair of socks this way by starting with only one. 

This can be done for the first sock (the left) and then offer the right sock after. Get a cute pair of socks that is appropriate for school or play. You can also try using a pair you know they like and have them wear at home. Then prepare to have your child wear them in public.

It’s best to start with school or daycare so you know what to expect. Know that the child will likely take them off in the car. You can try again once they’re changed into their school shoes or sneakers (whichever they prefer). 

Your child should be ready to wear them at home before trying this in public. Provide positive reinforcement for wearing socks. When your child does wear socks, be sure to reward them for doing so by giving praise and other positive feedback.

Choose Comfortable Socks 

This is an in-general suggestion for both types of children having problems with socks. Kids of all ages want to feel comfortable. Socks that feel good to wear will likely be worn more often. 

You can look for socks made with cotton, for example, or with other natural fibers. If you want your child to wear pull-ups, make sure the brand you buy fits well and provides a soft feeling against the skin.


Why does my child wear one sock is a common problem, with a possible explanation that is not so common.  Young kids can remove their socks in an attempt to cool off while they are playing. 

Older kids may have learned the habit from adults who did it to keep their feet warm. Whatever the reason, there are steps you can take as a parent with patience to rectify the situation and help your child avoid this typical challenge of childhood. Hope this write up was able to help you out. Thanks for stopping by.